North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Sun Safety

We were joined by Kelly and Beverly this morning from the N&N Hospital to teach us all about sun safety.

We learnt:

  • That we needed thick enough clothes to block sunlight
  • To wear sunscreen factor 50 and 5 stars
  • Wear sunglasses to protect our eyes
  • Wear a sun hat with a wide brim to protect our face, ears and neck
  • Drink plenty of water

With this in mind can you make sure your children have all of these so that they can be sun safe at school.

Thank you

SIAMS Success!

Before Easter we were visited by inspectors from the diocese to carry out a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection. This is a bit like an Ofsted inspection but looks at the Christian character of the school and how our Christian values underpin everything we do.

We were so very pleased to be awarded a ‘Good’ which recognised all of the hard work put in by staff over the past year to develop our church school community.

Highlights from the report include:

  • This is a nurturing and inclusive Christian community which serves its pupils and its families very well. Consequently, North Elmham Primary School ensures all are encouraged to do their best within the context of a Christian family environment.
  • The partnership between the churches and the school enriches the worshipping life of this school community and supports their spiritual, moral and personal development well.
  • The commitment and dedication of all staff and governors is seen in a renewed impetus to take forward the distinctive Christian character of this school on its journey of school improvement. As such, this embraces care, well-being and nurture together with a new Christian vision which is beginning to make a difference.

This has very much been a team effort though special recognition needs to go to Miss Hardingham and Mrs Barber for their incredible contributions.

To read the full report please follow the link: North Elmham SIAMS Inspection Report March 2018

School Open!

Just confirming that school is open today. Please make sure children have suitable clothing: wellies (with indoor shoes), thick coats, hats and gloves because they will be going outside and making the most of the snow! ☃️

A day learning about our coast

Year 5 and 6 from Stibbard and North Elmham have had a great day today visiting Cromer and Overstrand. Whilst there they learnt about the important work that the RNLI does to keep us safe at sea. They took part in a drama showing the bravery of Henry Blogg and they learnt about the erosion taking place along our coastline. It was also great for the two schools to get together and make some new friends.

Follow the link to view photos for the day.

Y3/4 Houghton Hall Trip

SAM_3441.JPGYesterday Year 3 and 4 children from North Elmham and Stibbard went to Houghton Hall to explore the installations of Richard Long. We had an absolutely brilliant time creating our own pieces of art at the same time as getting to know the children from our partner school. A big thank you to the staff at Houghton Hall for giving us this great experience and to the parent helpers who generously gave of their time.

Follow the link to see the photos of the day.

New Website!

Welcome to North Elmham CEVC Primary School’s new website. Take time to explore all aspects of our school life from the interesting things going on in the classes to important documents and reports.