North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Challah Bread

We have been busy today baking Challah bread.

As part of our RE topic, we have been looking at the Jewish religion and the tradition of Shabbat. We have baked the Challah bread as this is traditionally baked and shared during Shabbat.

We all decided that it tasted brilliant, so great the children all wanted the recipe to try at home.

Some of us got stuck into the washing up….we took photographic evidence so they can do this at home too.

School Council March 2018

We have been busy recently planning the refurbishment of our school library.

Lots of very kind people across the community have contributed money to help us pay for the refurbishment and we are enjoying picking the soft furnishings.

The library is due to be fitted during the Easter holidays so we don’t have too long to wait for the library to be complete.

We have also been busy trying to make lunch times more interesting for all the children, getting some toys prepared to play with and also ensuring that they are looked after properly.

Finally we are planning a fundraising event for the summer term, in aid of Cancer Research, a cause we feel is important to us.

World Book Day Dress-up

Image result for world book dayDue to the weather and the closure of the school last week, we have decided to re-schedule the dress up day for Friday 9th March.

Children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book characters and have their favourite book to share with their friends and classes.

Thank you for your continued to support.


School Closed 28-02-2018

The school will be closed today due to the unsafe road conditions, with continued snow forecast this morning.

Parents Evening 19/03/2018

Parents Evening is booked for 19/03/2018 from 14:00 to 19:00. Image result for writing picture

Sign up sheets are on the ‘Parents Board’ in the front entrance area for Whales, Doves and Lions class. Sheep class have their sheet in the classroom.

Please sign up for your 10 minute slot!

Parent Support Drop-in Sessions

I am pleased to announce that we have arranged for the Dereham Cluster Parent Support Adviser (PAS), Alison Thompson to carry out drop-in sessions for parents.

These sessions are designed to give parents the opportunity to talk to Alison about any concerns or advice you may need. Please see the flyer for further information.

If you would like to book a slot to talk to Alison, please book in at the Office.
