North Elmham CEVA
Primary School


Whale RE Day

25th March 2024

The big question – Why is Easter important to Christians? 

We had a really busy day and learnt a lot.

We started the day with an Easter story pass the parcel to learn about the key events.

We then walked to the St Mary’s Church where we were met by Reverend Sally who talked to us about Holy week.  We listened to the story of the last supper and joined Reverend Sally at the altar table to find out about the Eucharist.  

We all explored the Church and completed some rubbings and sketches of some of the church.  We also made a palm cross and looked at the Easter garden.

In the afternoon we tried a hot cross bun, looked at the similarities and differences between a christian in England and Christian in Jerusalem, retold the Easter story by making an Easter spinner and wrote an acrostic poem.

Some of the words the children described the day were – peaceful, calm, fascinating and interesting.