North Elmham CEVA
Primary School



This week, some of our children in Oak class visited T@2 in our community. The children shared some of their work they were proud of, enjoyed live music and tucked into lots of delicious sandwiches and cake! It was wonderful to be a part of this amazing local event. Thank you for inviting us!

Conkers, we’re collecting conkers! 

Acorn class had a wonderful afternoon enjoying the autumnal weather! Out in the rain with our waterproofs on, looking for all things Autumn! 

We joined conkers to make necklaces and bracelets, we made autumn tree paintings, leaf and conker frames and stick wands! 

The children jumped in as many puddles as we could find and made incredible mud pies!

Well done, Acorns, amazing work!

Year 6 2024 Leavers Service

Year 6 made us proud on Friday when they performed in their Leavers Service. Sharing their memories, singing songs and receiving certificates and hoodies. We wish them all the best as they move on in their school journey.

Election excitement in Sheep Class

As we all know, today was a very important day – Election Day!

In Sheep class we had two very important issues to vote on, which story to read, and what do as an end of year treat!  For the first vote, Mrs Cairns started by asking only the boys to stand up to vote.  We talked about how this wasn’t fair and remembered how Emmeline Pankhurst had worked hard for all of the girls and ladies.  We then used our secret polling booth to cast our votes.  Later we split into 3 groups and made posters to try to persuade the rest of the school to vote for our favourite end of year activity.  It was very very close – but Den Day won!

Mrs Cairns was very impressed with how seriously we took it all and how hard we worked on our posters and badges.

Lions Class Bikeability

Lions class had a lovely sunny day to do Bikeability. They remembered quite a lot from what they had learned last year and they showed confidence as they practised cycling on the road. Well done Lions!

Horstead Lost Property

We managed to match most missing items with their correct person! However, there were a few un-named items that we couldn’t find owners for. Take a look at the items below, and if you think they are yours, please let the Y3/ Y4 teachers know and we will return them to you.

There were also a small number of named items that have been left at school. We have returned these to the correct classroom and they will be waiting for you when you return after the half term break.

Have a good holiday.

Horstead Day 3 (Friday)

And Finally……

All packed up and ready for home. What an amazing group of children… What an amazing time we have had… What a lot we have all achieved.

Well done to everyone for all you have learned and all you have conquered. We are so proud of you. We hope you all get a good sleep tonight and that you are just as proud of your achievements as we are.

Horstead Day 2 (Thursday)

Another adventurous and fun filled day. The children have experienced all sorts of activities including water rafting, archery, bushcraft survival skills and climbing. We are so proud of how the children have approached each of these activities. They have worked really hard to face challenges and have persevered to overcome them with the support of their teammates. Everyone has helped to encourage others and many have made great new friends. Throughout the day we have learned lots of life skills: from having to prepare our own lunches, to learning the importance of listening to instructions; from keeping our dormitories and equipment tidy, to persevering when solving problems. Well done everyone!

Horstead Day 1 (Wednesday)

We had an amazing first day at Horstead, and all approached our first activities with enthusiasm. We have all learned some new skills and have faced challenges and new experiences. The staff were all very impressed with how supportive of each other the children were. There was a wide range of yummy food to choose from for dinner and the children tucked into jacket potatoes, beans, vegetables and sausages with delicious chocolate cake for pudding. The evening was full of games: rounders, football, table tennis, non-stop cricket and pool to name a few. All were very excited about their first night in dormitories and we are looking forward to another busy day tomorrow.

Sheep Class Calm Shed

Sheep class were so excited that their recent letter writing worked and that they had received items to make their shed a lovely place to work in.  The children have been bringing in items from home and have been using the area as a calm space.  This week the children worked quietly to complete their computing tasks.  It was lovely to see how well they were able to help each other.